Where the Red Fern Grows

Return to Natural Falls State ParkIMG_2181 IMG_2182 IMG_2184 IMG_2185 IMG_2191 IMG_2195 IMG_2196 IMG_2198 IMG_2199 IMG_2201

Spotted Jewelweed-  This flower is also known as Touch-me-not because of its unusual method of seed dispersal.  When the seed pods become ripe, the slightest touch or swift breeze triggers a pop that sends the seeds up to four feet away. Unlike most wildflowers, Jewelweed is an annual, which means its only way to reproduce is through seed.  It depends on the this efficient seed spreading method for survival.  This intricate flower also serves as fuel for hummingbirds to get them through fall migration.

IMG_2212 IMG_2214 IMG_2215 IMG_2216 IMG_2217 IMG_2224IMG_2226 IMG_2227 IMG_2229 Our post hike reward 


  1. Garrett says:

    Have you read the book by the same name?


  2. akvenable says:

    No, but I bet you have. What is it called?


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