Neder Nederland

You’ll find a treasure if you stay there…

A breathtaking drive on the way to the trail head  

 The trail to Crater Lakes – James Peak Wilderness

Follow Crater Lakes Trail as it climbs steeply for a mile and crosses the narrow spit of land between the two main lakes.  We took a 6 mile trail because the clouds were rolling in and rain was expected.  About the last mile, mild showers came as we picked up the pace to head back to the car. Our halfway point, stopping to take in the view of one of the Crater Lakes   
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Let the rain fall
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The rain didn’t last long, just a light afternoon rain shower.  It cleared up just in time for pictures on the way back to Nederland.
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  1. venable05 says:

    Live your Peter Pan reference. Great pictures!


  2. Carlos Augusto Suarez says:

    Thats a nice place. How are you doing Ms Katherin. Long time I don’t hear from you. 🙂

    Over here everything is ok. Just came back from Colombia. Had a nice trip with family and friends.

    Hope to hear from you



    Sent from my iPhone



    1. akvenable says:

      Hello! Thanks for checking out my blog post. It was a wonderful place there, more precious far than gold. Call me soon! Glad you got to visit your family back home. Miss ya! Cheers.


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